
www.entitylogic.org - entity modelling introduced from first principles - relational database design theory and practice - dependent type theory

Gilbert Ryle

When Gilbert Ryle introduced the phrase category mistake he gave a number of examples. The first example is of a visitor to Oxford. The visitor, upon viewing the colleges and library, reportedly inquired "But where is the University?". The visitor's mistake, explains Ryle, is presuming that a University is part of the category "units of physical infrastructure" or some such thing, rather than the category "institution" , say, which are far more abstract and complex conglomerations of buildings, people, procedures, and so on.

Figure 19
A university as an abstract conglomeration of buildings, people and procedures.
  • The march-past was not a parade of battalions, batteries, squadrons and a division; it was a parade of the battalions, batteries and squadrons of a division..
Figure 20
The March Past - Ryle's second example is of a child witnessing the march-past of a division of soldiers. After having had battalions, batteries, squadrons, etc. pointed out, the child asks when is the division going to appear.